Garment Information



.Choose Occasions: Select appropriate occasions such as weddings, festivals, or formal gatherings to wear your Kashmiri kaftan, reflecting its traditional elegance.

.Handling: Gently handle the delicate fabric and intricate embroidery to avoid snagging or damaging the garment.

Layering: Pair the kaftan with suitable undergarments and accessories, such as a slip dress or leggings, to enhance comfort and modesty.

.Styling: Experiment with different styling options, such as cinching the waist with a belt or accessorizing with statement jewelry, to personalize your look.

.Care Instructions: Follow specific care instructions provided with the kaftan, which may include hand washing in cold water and air drying to preserve its colors and embroidery.

.Storage: Store the kaftan in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading or damage to the fabric and embellishments.

.Appreciation: Embrace the cultural significance and craftsmanship of the Kashmiri kaftan as you wear it, appreciating its timeless beauty and heritage.


    • Layering: Kashmiri jackets are perfect for layering over your regular outfits, providing warmth and style.

    Versatility: Pair them with jeans, trousers, or traditional Indian wear like kurtas for a fusion look

    Accessorizing: Add a traditional touch with Kashmiri shawls or scarves, or opt for contemporary accessories to complement the jacket.

    Occasions: Suitable for both casual outings and formal events depending on the jacket’s design and embellishments.

    Care: Handle with care due to delicate embroidery and intricate designs; dry clean when necessary to maintain its beauty and longevity.


    • Traditional Attire: Wear it as a traditional Kashmiri garment, typically made of wool, to keep warm in cold climates.
    • Layering: Ideal for layering over regular clothes, providing insulation and comfort during winters.
    • Styling: Pair with leggings, jeans, or traditional attire like salwar kameez for a versatile look.
    • Occasions: Suitable for everyday wear, festivals, or cultural events, depending on the phiran’s design and embellishments.
    • Maintenance: Hand wash or dry clean to preserve its quality and intricate embroidery; avoid harsh detergents to prevent damage.


    • Layering: Wear it over shirts, t-shirts, or dresses for added warmth and style.

    2.Versatility: Pair with jeans, trousers, skirts, or even shorts depending on the weather and occasion.

    3.Accessorizing: Add scarves, hats, or statement jewelry to personalize your look.

    4.Occasions: Suitable for casual outings, work, or semi-formal events depending on the sweater’s design and material.

    5.Care: Follow care instructions to maintain shape and fabric quality; typically, hand wash or gentle machine wash with mild detergent, then air dry flat to prevent stretching.


    Occasions: Kurta sets are versatile, suitable for casual outings, formal events, and cultural occasions.

      Pairing: Match the kurta with appropriate bottoms like churidar, salwar, or trousers for a complete look.

      Styling: Experiment with different cuts, colors, and embellishments to suit the occasion and personal style.

      Accessorizing: Enhance the outfit with traditional accessories like turbans, mojaris, or contemporary items like watches and cufflinks.

      Maintenance: Follow care instructions to maintain fabric quality and embroidery; dry clean for intricate designs and delicate fabrics, and hand or machine wash for regular wear.


      Layering: Wear a waistcoat over a shirt for a polished and stylish look.

        Versatility: Pair with trousers for formal occasions or with jeans for a smart-casual appearance.

        Styling: Experiment with different colors, fabrics, and patterns to match the occasion and personal style

        Accessorizing: Add a tie or pocket square to enhance the outfit; consider a lapel pin or watch for added flair.

        Fit: Ensure a proper fit, with the waistcoat comfortably snug but not too tight; tailor if necessary for a refined silhouette.

        Maintenance: Dry clean as needed to maintain fabric quality and structure; steam or iron lightly to remove wrinkles and maintain a crisp look.


        Versatile Bottoms: Palazzo pants are wide-legged trousers that offer comfort and style.

        Pairing: Pair with fitted tops or kurtas for a balanced silhouette.

        Styling: Experiment with various lengths, fabrics, and prints to suit different occasions and personal preferences.

        Footwear: Style with heels for a formal look or sandals for a casual vibe.

        Accessorizing: Add belts, scarves, or statement jewelry to enhance the outfit.

        Fit: Ensure a proper fit around the waist and hips to avoid looking overwhelmed; consider high-waisted styles for a flattering silhouette.

        Maintenance: Follow care instructions to preserve fabric quality and shape; typically, hand wash or gentle machine wash and air dry to maintain longevity.


        • Outer Layer: Wear as an outer garment for added warmth and style.
        • Versatility: Pair with jeans, leggings, or dresses for a casual or bohemian look.
        • Styling: Experiment with different lengths, fabrics, and patterns to suit your style and the occasion.
        • Accessorizing: Add belts or brooches to cinch at the waist or personalize the look; complement with boots or sandals depending on the season.
        • Fit: Choose a poncho that fits comfortably over your shoulders and allows freedom of movement; opt for oversized styles for a relaxed vibe or structured designs for a more tailored appearance.
        • Maintenance: Follow care instructions to preserve fabric quality and shape; typically, hand wash or gentle machine wash and air dry to maintain its integrity.


        USES OF TUNIC:

        • Versatile Top: Tunics are versatile tops that can be dressed up or down for various occasions.
        • Pairing: Pair with leggings, jeans, or trousers for a casual or semi-formal look.
        • Styling: Experiment with different lengths, sleeve styles, and fabrics to suit your body type and personal style.
        • Layering: Wear under jackets, cardigans, or blazers for added warmth and dimension.
        • Accessorizing: Add statement jewelry, scarves, or belts to enhance the outfit and add flair.
        • Fit: Choose a tunic that fits comfortably around the bust and hips, allowing freedom of movement; consider adjustable or belted styles for a customized fit.
        • Maintenance: Follow care instructions to preserve fabric quality and shape; typically, machine wash or hand wash in cold water and air dry to maintain its integrity.


        • Comfortable Sleepwear: Nightgowns are comfortable garments worn for sleeping.
        • Fabric Choice: Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton or silk for comfort during sleep.
        • Designs: Choose styles that suit your preference, such as long-sleeved, short-sleeved, or sleeveless, with various necklines and lengths.
        • Ease of Movement: Select nightgowns that allow freedom of movement and don’t restrict sleep positions.
        • Temperature Regulation: Consider the climate and select nightwear appropriate for warmth or coolness.
        • Layering: Pair with a robe or dressing gown for added warmth or modesty when needed.
        • Maintenance: Follow care instructions to preserve fabric quality and ensure longevity; typically, machine wash or hand wash in gentle detergent and air dry to maintain softness and shape.

        USES OF DRESS:

        • Versatile Attire: Dresses are versatile garments suitable for various occasions and settings.
        • Styling: Choose from a wide range of designs, lengths, and silhouettes to suit your body type and personal style.
        • Accessorizing: Enhance your dress with jewelry, belts, scarves, or handbags to complete the look.
        • Footwear: Pair with heels, flats, or sandals depending on the dress style and occasion.
        • Layering: Add jackets, cardigans, or blazers for extra warmth or style versatility.
        • Fit: Ensure a proper fit that flatters your body shape and allows freedom of movement.
        • Maintenance: Follow care instructions to preserve fabric quality and color; typically, machine wash or dry clean as per the garment’s requirements.

        Please call our Customer Care for any query. (9am to 6pm) +91 9463 777 888 or write @

        LAST UPDATED: 08-06-2024 By: PINKI

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