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Making of perfume :

To make Kashmiri saffron perfume, grind 0.5 grams of saffron and steep it in 10 ml ethanol for 1-2 weeks, shaking daily. Blend 10 drops rose, 8 drops sandalwood, and 5 drops amber essential oils. Strain the saffron tincture and mix it with the essential oils. Add a fixative like benzoin resin. Combine this blend with 90 ml ethanol, optionally adding distilled water to adjust concentration. Age the mixture for 4-6 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking occasionally. After aging, test and adjust if needed, then bottle the final perfume in a spray atomizer.

To create Kashmiri saffron perfume, follow these steps:

  1. Saffron Tincture: Grind 0.5 grams of Kashmiri saffron and steep in 10 ml of ethanol for 1-2 weeks, shaking daily.
  2. Essential Oils: Mix 10 drops of rose, 8 drops of sandalwood, and 5 drops of amber essential oils.
  3. Combine Tincture and Oils: Strain the saffron tincture and blend with the essential oils. Add a few drops of a fixative like benzoin resin.
  4. Dilute: Add this blend to 90 ml of ethanol. Optionally, add distilled water to achieve the desired concentration.
  5. Age: Store the mixture in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks, shaking occasionally to ensure thorough blending.
  6. Finalize: Test the perfume, adjust if necessary, and transfer to a spray atomizer for use.

Attar :

Making of Attar:

Attars are natural perfume oils derived from botanical sources, crafted through steam distillation or hydro-distillation. These concentrated fragrances often use sandalwood oil as a base, combined with essential oils like rose, jasmine, oud, and sandalwood. The process involves blending base, middle, and top notes to create a balanced and harmonious scent. Attars mature over weeks, allowing the oils to meld and develop a rich, complex aroma. Known for their longevity and purity, attars are traditional in Middle Eastern and South Asian perfumery, offering a luxurious and natural alternative to synthetic perfumes.

Here’s a concise guide on making a unisex attar oud:


  1. Oud Oil: The star ingredient, known for its deep, resinous scent.
  2. Sandalwood Oil: Adds a creamy, woody base.
  3. Rose Oil: For a floral touch that appeals to both genders.
  4. Cedarwood Oil: Provides a warm, woody backdrop.
  5. Citrus Oils (Bergamot or Lemon): Introduces a fresh, bright top note.
  6. Jasmine Oil: Adds a soft, sweet floral note.
  7. Carrier Oil (Jojoba or Almond): To dilute the concentrated essential oils.


Making of scrub:

Walnut extract is obtained from the leaves and unripe hulls of the walnut tree and has been used as an ingredient in food, skin care products, and cosmetics for over 3,000 years. The extract is rich in antioxidants, and it offers many health benefits. In addition, to help improve the skin’s elasticity, it is also nutritious for hair growth.


  1. Exfoliant: Sugar (fine or coarse) or salt (sea salt or Epsom salt)
  2. Carrier Oil: Coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil
  3. Additional Ingredients:
    • Honey: For its moisturizing and antibacterial properties
    • Essential Oils: For fragrance and additional skin benefits (lavender, tea tree, peppermint, etc.)
    • Vitamin E Oil: For skin nourishment
    • Ground Oats: For gentle exfoliation and soothing properties

1. Anti-Aging

Walnut extract contains Vitamin E, which is known to combat the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also contains high concentrations of minerals and vitamins that help restore the skin’s elasticity and can improve hydration levels in your skin. These benefits are beneficial for aging skin to reduce the appearance of old age spots, wrinkles, and general loss of elasticity. Body scrub products containing walnut extract make a great natural solution for anti-aging. 

2. Anti-Inflammatory

The active ingredients in a walnut body scrub, such as omega-3 fatty acids, have anti-inflammatory properties. These essential fats help reduce redness and irritation and soften rough skin on the hands or face.Face and body scrub products containing walnut extract are beneficial for dry skin types as the omega-3 fatty acids will help decrease water loss from the skin, making it softer and less prone to irritation. As well as this, the anti-inflammatory properties of walnut extract body scrub can help calm down any redness or itchiness caused by eczema or acne, making it a great addition to the best body scrub products designed to treat sensitive skin conditions. 

3. Antioxidant

Many of the vitamins and minerals found in walnuts have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help combat cell damage caused by free radicals, which are known to play a role in the signs of aging, including wrinkles, dark circles, and age spots. As well as this, antioxidant properties can help to protect against the damaging effects of pollution, cigarette smoke, and other environmental pollutants. Products containing walnut extract make a valuable addition to anti-aging skincare routines as they can help protect against environmental damage to the skin.

4. Antibacterial

Walnut extract contains high concentrations of oleic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid with antibacterial properties. This fatty acid’s antibacterial properties can help fight off bacteria on the skin and prevent infections from developing. These antibacterial properties in a walnut scrub for body are beneficial for treating acne-related breakouts as they help to kill off any bacteria that may be causing them. The Strictly Organics Exfoliating Walnut Body Scrub also contains turmeric, a natural antibacterial ingredient to protect your skin from infections and acne. 

5. Excellent Exfoliator 

If you are looking for the best body exfoliating scrub, you should consider using a walnut scrub for body because of its exceptional exfoliating properties. The excellent ingredients like vitamin C and antioxidants exfoliate your dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and other skin impurities, preventing them from clogging up. This procedure controls acne, maintaining healthy, glowing, and delicate skin. 

6. Moisturizing 

Walnuts are rich in nourishing and moisturizing properties. A walnut oil massage can leave your body and skin moisturized and hydrated, especially in winter. 

Face Serum:

Making of serum:


  1. Infuse the Saffron:
    • Soak the saffron strands in rose water for at least an hour, allowing the color and beneficial compounds to release into the liquid.
  2. Mix Base Ingredients:
    • In a small bowl, combine the carrier oil with the aloe vera gel. Mix thoroughly until well blended.
  3. Combine:
    • Add the saffron-infused rose water to the oil and aloe vera mixture. Stir until fully combined.
  4. Add Vitamin E and Essential Oils:
    • If using, add the vitamin E oil and essential oils. Mix well.
  5. Store:
    • Transfer the serum into a small, dark glass bottle to protect it from light and extend its shelf life.
    • Ingredients:
    • Saffron Strands
    • Carrier Oil
    • Rose Water
    • Aloe Vera Gel
    • Vitamin E Oil
    • Essential Oils
    • Oil:
    • Making of oils :
    • Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts.
    • “Plants are made of structural materials and phytochemicals. These chemicals have properties that not only benefit the plant but benefit people, too,” explains Dr. Lin.
    • It takes a tremendous amount of plant material to make essential oils, which can make some of them expensive. For example:
    • About 250 pounds of lavender flower make 1 pound of lavender essential oil.
    • About 5,000 pounds of rose petals or lemon balm make 1 pound of rose or lemon balm essential oil.
    • Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy, a kind of complementary medicine that uses smell to improve your health or applied topically to the skin.
    • Studies have shown that essential oils may help:
    • Boost mood.
    • Improve job performance through reduced stress and increased attentiveness.
    • Improve sleep.
    • Kill bacteria, funguses and viruses.
    • Reduce anxiety and pain.
    • Reduce inflammation.
    • Reduce nausea.
    • Relieve headaches.


  1. The old-fashioned way. Take deep breaths of the aroma after opening the bottle.
  2. Dry evaporation. Put a few drops of essential oil on a cotton ball and smell the aroma as it disperses.
  3. Steam inhalation. Put a few drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot water. Put your head over the bowl, a towel over your head and breathe in the steam.

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