Suits & Sarees Information



Kashmiri suits are a symbol of elegance and tradition. These suits often feature intricate hand-embroidered designs such as paisleys, florals, and geometric patterns, meticulously crafted by skilled artisans using techniques passed down through generations. The soft and breathable fabrics like chiffon, wool, silk, georgette, crepe suit or fine cotton ensure comfort without compromising on style. Whether adorned with delicate zari work or intricate thread embroidery.

Proper care of suits is essential to preserve their quality and appearance. Here are some key tips:

  1. Storage: Hang suits on wide, padded hangers to maintain their shape and prevent wrinkles. Store them in a breathable garment bag to protect from dust and moths.
  2. Cleaning: Dry clean suits only when necessary to avoid unnecessary wear on the fabric. Spot clean stains promptly with a mild detergent and water, and air out suits after wearing to refresh them.
  3. Brushing: Use a clothes brush to remove surface dust and lint from suits. Brushing also helps restore the fabric’s natural sheen.
  4. Rotation: Rotate your suits regularly to prevent excessive wear on specific garments. Avoid wearing the same suit multiple days in a row to allow the fabric to breathe and recover.
  5. Alterations: Invest in professional alterations to ensure a proper fit. Minor adjustments can make a significant difference in comfort and appearance.
  6. Seasonal Maintenance: Clean and repair suits before storing them for the off-season. Store suits in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent damage.


Sarees encapsulate the essence of traditional elegance, boasting intricate craftsmanship and vibrant colors that reflect the rich cultural heritage of the region. These sarees are typically made from high-quality fabrics like chiffon, sozni, kani silk, or georgette, known for their luxurious texture and graceful drape. Designers often embellish sarees with exquisite embroidery.

Proper care of sarees is essential to maintain their beauty and longevity. Here are some key tips:

  1. Storage: Store sarees in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and damage. Avoid folding sarees for extended periods to prevent creasing, and instead, hang them on padded hangers or roll them neatly.
  2. Cleaning: Dry clean sarees only when necessary, as excessive cleaning can weaken the fabric. Spot clean stains promptly with a mild detergent and water, and air out sarees after wearing to refresh them.
  3. Ironing: Iron sarees on low heat with a pressing cloth to avoid damaging delicate fabrics. Iron along the length of the saree to prevent creases and maintain the fabric’s sheen.
  4. Storage: Store sarees in breathable garment bags or cotton muslin bags to protect them from dust and pests. Avoid using plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and promote mold growth.
  5. Rotation: Rotate your sarees regularly to prevent excessive wear on specific garments. Avoid wearing the same saree multiple times in a row to allow the fabric to breathe and recover.
  6. Fragrance: Avoid spraying perfumes or applying cosmetics directly onto sarees, as they can stain or damage the fabric. Instead, apply perfume and cosmetics before wearing the saree.

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LAST UPDATED: By PINKI  / 31-05-2024

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