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The Kashmiri cap has roots dating back centuries in the Kashmir Valley, a region known for its intricate craftsmanship and rich textile traditions. It is believed to have been influenced by various cultures that have interacted with Kashmir over time, including Persian, Central Asian, and Mughal influences. The Kashmiri cap is traditionally worn as part of the traditional attire in the region, especially during cultural events, weddings and religious ceremonies. It is often paired with the “Pheran,” a loose-fitting traditional robe worn by both men and women in Kashmir. Al-Basir has taken an initiate to produce a wide range of Himachali caps along with Kashmiri caps also.


Carrying a Kashmiri cap can be a meaningful way to engage with and support the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir. Here are some reasons why you might consider carrying a Kashmiri cap:

  1. Cultural Apprecition
  2. Fashion statement
  3. Symbal of solidarity
  4. Conversation
  5. supporting Artisans
  6. Personal connection


A scarf from Sanskrit is a simple item of clothing, loosely worn over the shoulders, upper body and arms and sometimes also over the head. It is usually a rectangular or square piece of cloth. Kashmiri scarf also spelled Cashmere, type of woolen scarf woven in Kashmir. Today, scarves are worn for added warmth (and fashion) at outdoor or indoor evening affairs. The Kashmir shawl is characterized by the elaboration of its design, in which the “cone” pattern is a prominent feature and by the glowing brilliance, depth and enduring qualities of its colours. According to tradition, the founder of the industry was Zayn-ul-Ābidīn, a 15th-century ruler of Kashmir who introduced weavers from Turkistan.


Carrying a scarf offers a range of benefits, making it a versatile accessory:

  1. Fashionable
  2. Warmth
  3. Style
  4. Versatality
  5. Sun protection
  6. Comfort
  7. Privacy and modesty
  8. Cultural significance
  9. Emergency use
  10. Accessorising


The word “stole” is derived from the Latin-Greek word “stola,” meaning garment, array or equipment. The stole is a longer piece of fabric usually rectangular or square, but can be triangular in shape as well. The stole is typically lighter than the scarf and can be used for a variety of occasions. The stole might be described as a long shawl, usually worn by a woman and placed loosely over the shoulder. A stole would be known more as a formal shawl of expensive fabric used around the shoulders over a party dress or ball gown. A stole is typically narrower than a shawl, and of simpler construction than a cape, wrapped and carried about the shoulders or arms. With the passage of time and due to ever changing fashion, stoles have found their place in the wardrobes of many women across all over the world. The traditional stole also measures two  meters in length but is narrow in breadth. 70×200 cms is our standard stole size, almost all manufacturers weave stoles in this size.


  1. Fashion accessories
  2. Warmth
  3. Formal occasion
  4. Cultural or religious significance
  5. Versatality
  6. Practically


The manufacturing of Kashmiri capes, like many traditional garments, has roots in the cultural heritage of the Kashmir region. While it’s challenging to pinpoint an exact date for when the manufacturing of Kashmiri capes started. Kashmir has a rich tradition of textile production dating back centuries. The region is renowned for its skilled artisans who produce exquisite handcrafted textiles including shawls, scarves and capes. Kashmiri textiles gained prominence during the Mughal period in India (16th to 19th centuries), when they were highly prized for their quality and beauty. Mughal emperors and nobility were patrons of Kashmiri artisans, commissioning elaborate shawls and garments for their courts.


  1. Fashion and style
  2. Warmth and comfort
  3. Modersty
  4. Cultural significance
  5. Practically and functionality
  6. Costume and cosplay
  7. Empowerment and authority


The history of bags dates back thousands of years, evolving alongside human civilization and the need for portable storage. Here’s an overview of key milestones in the history of bags. Early humans used simple bags made from natural materials like animal skins, woven plant fibers, or pouches made from leaves or bark to carry food, tools and other essentials. In ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome, bags played a vital role in daily life. Leather and cloth bags were used for carrying personal belongings, food and trade goods. Wealthy individuals often carried ornate bags made from precious materials as a symbol of status. During the Middle Ages, bags became more widespread and varied in design. Drawstring pouches and purses made from leather or fabric were commonly used to carry coins, herbs and small personal items. The fashion for decorative purses grew, with intricately embroidered and embellished designs becoming popular.


Bag is essential accessory for women for several reasons:

  1. Carry essentials
  2. Organizations
  3. Fashion and style
  4. Hand free convinence
  5. Security
  6. Comfort
  7. Versatality


Potli bags have a rich history deeply rooted in Indian culture and tradition. The term “potli” originates from the Hindi word “potli,” which means a small pouch or bundle. These bags have been an integral part of Indian fashion and heritage for centuries, serving various purposes and evolving in design over time. The use of pouches and bags resembling potlis can be traced back to ancient India. In historical texts and scriptures, references to potlis can be found, indicating their presence in daily life and rituals. Potli bags were traditionally used by men and women alike for carrying small items such as coins, herbs, spices and even precious stones. They were commonly worn at the waist or carried in hand during travel or special occasions. Potli bags hold cultural significance in Indian society. They are often associated with auspicious occasions such as weddings, festivals, and religious ceremonies. In many regions of India, potlis are used as offerings or gifts during rituals and celebrations. Potli bags are crafted using a variety of materials and techniques, reflecting the diversity of Indian craftsmanship. They can be made from silk, brocade, velvet, cotton, or even embellished with embroidery, beadwork, sequins and mirrors. Each region of India has its own distinct style of potli bag, showcasing local motifs, patterns and craftsmanship traditions.


Potli bags have a wide range of uses, reflecting both their practical functionality and cultural significance. Here are some common ways in which potli bags are used:

  1. Special occasion
  2. Gifts and favors
  3. Fashion accessories
  4. Storage
  5. Home decor
  6. Cultural rituals
  7. Corporate gifting

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LAST UPDATED: 29-05-2024 By: Kamaljot kaur & BABITA HEER

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